Increasing frequency of severe clinical toxicity after use of 2,4-dinitrophenol in the UK: a report from the National Poisons Information ServiceAshraf Kamour, Nathan George, David Gwynnette, Gillian Cooper, David Lupton, Michael Eddleston, John Paul Thompson, John Allister Vale, Harry Krishna Ruben Thanacoody, Simon Hill, Simon Hugh Lynton Thomas
23 June 2014
Do difficulties in accessing in-hours primary care predict higher use of out-of-hours GP services? Evidence from an English National Patient SurveyYin Zhou, Gary Abel, Fiona Warren, Martin Roland, John Campbell, Georgios Lyratzopoulos
21 May 2014
Temporal trends in the associations between age, sex and socioeconomic status after death from motor vehicle collisions in England and Wales: 1960–2009Andrew W Fogarty, Clarence Liu
6 November 2013
Decreased facial expression variability in patients with serious cardiopulmonary disease in the emergency care settingJeffrey A Kline, Dawn Neumann, Melissa A Haug, David J Kammer, Virginia A Krabill
14 July 2014
The sad truth about the SADPERSONS Scale: an evaluation of its clinical utility in self-harm patientsKate Saunders, Fiona Brand, Karen Lascelles, Keith Hawton
29 July 2013
The ‘Jedward’ versus the ‘Mohawk’: a prospective study on a paediatric distraction techniqueEoin Fogarty, Eilis Dunning, Stanley Koe, Turlough Bolger, Ciara Martin
29 April 2013
Ambulance call-outs and response times in Birmingham and the impact of extreme weather and climate changeJohn Edward Thornes, Paul Anthony Fisher, Tracy Rayment-Bishop, Christopher Smith
27 February 2013
Driver obesity and the risk of fatal injury during traffic collisionsThomas M Rice, Motao Zhu
21 January 2013
Emergency medical admissions, deaths at weekends and the public holiday effect. Cohort studyStacy Smith, Ananda Allan, Nicola Greenlaw, Sian Finlay, Chris Isles
23 January 2013
Snakebite enquiries to the UK National Poisons Information Service: 2004–2010James Michael Coulson, Gillian Cooper, Channarayapatna Krishna, John Paul Thompson
12 December 2012